Easy Street Financial Services 9 Author archive for Ian ( Page 3 )

Do I need Life Insurance to get a mortgage?

This is a common question when it comes to mortgage related insurance. However, before answering this, the question itself needs closer inspection. Is it mandatory to have life insurance to get a mortgage? This is usually what people mean. In other words, is the...

Should I Extend My Mortgage Term?

Should I Extend My Mortgage Term?

As mortgage rates have increased, many people have explored different options to try and keep their monthly payments as low as possible. Spreading the payments over a longer period could reduce the monthly outgoing, but there are other important considerations when...

April Update – Interest Rates

The Bank of England decided to keep rates at 5.25% for a fifth consecutive time in March which wasn’t a huge surprise. Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey has previously said the Bank would wait for firm evidence that inflation was under control before it cuts...

Should I use my savings to overpay my mortgage?

As mortgage rates have increased, many people have explored different options to either lower their monthly payments or reduce the total amount of interest they pay overall. One option could be to make a lump sum overpayment, but is it a good idea to use your savings...

March Update – Interest Rates

Mortgage rates have generally been reducing since the end of 2023, however February has seen a general increase. Major lenders including HSBC, Natwest, Nationwide and Virgin Money increased their rates in February. Although the increases vary, they have been generally...

Remortgaging Made Easy

Remortgaging Made Easy

Remortgaging isn’t just about switching lenders - it’s about seizing opportunities to save money and secure more favourable mortgage terms. At Easy Street, we understand the importance of reassessing your mortgage periodically to ensure it aligns with your financial...

Useful Information for First-Time Buyers

Taking those first steps onto the property ladder can be both thrilling and overwhelming. At Easy Street, we understand the mix of emotions and the multitude of questions that come with being a first-time buyer. That’s why we’re here to guide you through the process,...