Personal Protection 

Made Easy

5 star rated advice that helps you become financially resilient and able to cope with whatever life throws at you.

Get in touch today to discuss the most suitable solution for you.

Easy Street Financial Services 9 Insurance 9 Personal Protection

What Are your options?


A prudent financial position starts with a solid foundation – whether this is your home, your life, your income or your loved ones. We can help you by carrying out a personalised risk assessment before creating a solution tailored to your needs. You will have peace of mind, safe in the knowledge that you have financially secured your future.

Life Insurance

‘Nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes’ – Benjamin Franklin

While there’s nothing you can do about this, you can minimise the impact through careful planning. Question – If you were to die, would this have a negative financial impact on somebody that you care about? If the answer is yes, chances are you need life insurance.

Life insurance provides a lump sum payment in the event of death (which can also be divided in to regular payments for family protection). At Easy Street we will help you assess your priorities and then research providers from across the market to create a competitive solution tailored to your needs.

Critical Illness Cover

While death comes to us all, it’s serious illness that is perhaps our biggest risk. You could be more likely to suffer from Cancer, a Heart Attack or a Stroke before the age of 65 than to die. Ask yourself – If you were to suffer a serious illness and couldn’t work, would you struggle financially? If the answer is yes, chances are you need critical illness cover.

Critical Illness Cover provides a lump sum payment in the event of the diagnosis of a specified critical illness. At Easy Street, we will help you assess your priorities and then research providers from across the market to create a competitive solution tailored to your needs.

Income Protection

Each year close to 1 million people in the UK find themselves unable to work due to a serious illness or injury (ABI 2015). Question – If your income was to stop due to accident or sickness, would you struggle to pay your bills and other living costs? If the answer is yes, chances are you need income protection.

Income protection (sometimes known as permanent health insurance) provides a regular monthly payment in the event of being unable to work due to incapacity. At Easy Street, we will help you assess your priorities and then research providers from across the market to create a competitive solution tailored to your needs.

Business Protection

Small to medium sized enterprises (SME’s) form the back bone of the UK Economy so it’s important they are financially protected. It’s important for you to think about how your business would cope if you were to lose an owner, partner or key employee through ill health or death.

We can help you financially protect your business by reviewing key areas such as –

  • Key Person Protection
  • Business Loan Protection
  • Share Protection
  • Relevant Life Plans

Why Choose Easy Street?

Competitive Mortgage and Insurance Solutions

Impartial Advice

Work Entirely on Your Behalf


Make the Process as Quick & Simple as Possible

We also help with

Your Easy Route To a Secure Future

Getting your dream home is important, but keeping it is paramount. Life is unpredictable and unforeseen circumstances can arise.There are many risks that could cause a financial threat to you, your family and your home. That's where we come in.

Easy Street is all about financial security. We will highlight the key risks and solutions that could help you safeguard your financial future. With access to a range of providers, you could access benefits such as 24/7 Doctor access, discounted gym membership and rewards for living a health lifestyle, It's not just your financial health we've got covered.